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 GR 1001ADirectory   
 GR 1110-A Interpolating Frequency Standard Operating and Service ManualPDF   12M  
 GR 1110-A Interpolating Frequency Standard Service ManualPDF   13M  
 GR 1115Directory   
 GR 1218-B Unit Oscillator 900-2000 MHz Tuned Klystron oscillator Service ManualPDF   24M  
 GR 1218-B Unit Oscillator Operating ManualPDF   15M  
 GR 1360-A Microwave Oscillator Operating ManualPDF   11M  
 GR 1360-A Microwave Oscillator Service ManualPDF   12M  
 GR 1362 UHF Oscillator 220-920 MHz Service ManualPDF   16M  
 GR 1362 UHF Oscillator Operating ManualPDF   14M  
 GR 1391-B Pulse Sweep and Time-Delay Generator Instruction ManualPDF   34M  
 GR 1391-B Pulse Sweep and Time Delay Generator Service ManualPDF   38M  
 GR 1398-A Pulse Generator Instruction ManualPDF   19M  
 GR 1398-A Pulse Generator Service ManualPDF   21M  
 GR 1531-P2Directory   
 GR 1567 Sound Level Calibrator ManualPDF   9.6M  
 GR 1567 Sound Level Calibrator SchematicPDF   1.6M  
 GR 1602BDirectory   
 GR 1606Directory   
 GR 1606-A RF Bridge Instruction ManualPDF   17M  
 GR 1608-A Impedance Bridge Service ManualPDF   30M  
 GR 1644ADirectory   
 GR 1650-A Impedance Bridge Instruction ManualPDF   15M  
 GR 1650-A Type 1650-A Impedance Bridge Service ManualPDF   48M  
 GR 1650-B Impedance Bridge Instruction ManualPDF   25M  
 GR 1650ADirectory   
 GR 1650BDirectory   
 GR 1659Directory   
 GR 1687 Digibridge LCR EPROM-GR 1687 RomsZIP   8.0K  
 GR 1687 Digibridge LCR Service Manual-GR 1687 Service ManualPDF   17M  
 GR 1806-ADirectory   
 GR 1862Directory   
 GR 1862-A Megohmmeter Instruction ManualPDF   5.7M  
 GR 1862-B Megohmmeter Instruction ManualPDF   5.5M  
 GR 1862-C Megohmmeter Instruction ManualPDF   9.2M  
 GR 1863 1864 Megohmmeter Service ManualPDF   18M  
 GR 25XX Service ManualDirectory   
 GR 510 Decade Resistance Unit Operator ManualPDF   232K  
 GR 544BDirectory   
 GR 650-A Impedance Bridge and 650-P1 Oscillator-Amplifier Operation and Service ManualPDF   13M  
 GR 650ADirectory   
 GR C-21-HLD primary frequency standard op service manual 1955PDF   4.4M  
 GR Catalog 1968PDF   2.0M  
 GR Ganged Variacs Instruction ManualPDF   3.0M  
 GR Ganged Variacs Instruction Manual and CatalogPDF   4.2M  
 GR Type 723 tuning fork frequency standard schematicPDF   688K  
 GR V20 Variac Instruction ManualPDF   2.4M  
 GR V20 Manual on the V20 20-amp variac Service ManualPDF   3.6M  
 GR V5 Manual on the V5 5-amp variac Service ManualPDF   3.6M  
 GR V5 Variac Instruction ManualPDF   2.3M  
 GR Variac Catalog 1961PDF   11M  
 GR Variac Catalog 1961 Instruction Manual CatalogPDF   17M  
 GR W10 Series Variac autotansformer manualPDF   320K  
 GR W5 Series Variac autotransformer manualPDF   1.1M  
 General Radio 1956 CatalogDirectory   
 General Radio CatalogsDirectory   
 Genrad 1693 LCR meter EPROM v2.01-ROM dump 1693-2800-00-C V2.01 27C256ZIP   16K