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 PLL Performance Simulation Design 4th 2006 BANNERJEEPDF   3.9M  
 Practical RF Handbook 3rd HICKMAN 2002PDF   2.2M  
 RF Circuit Design BOWICK 1997PDF   18M  
 RF Components and Circuits CARR 2002PDF   2.5M  
 Radio Frequency Electronics Circuits and Applications 2nd HAGEN 2009PDF   3.2M  
 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies ELLINGER 2007PDF   7.8M  
 Radio Hobbyists Designbook ANDERSON 2014PDF   37M  
 Secrets of RF Circuit Design CARRPDF   5.8M  
 Sorenson 600B Nobatron power supply Service ManualPDF   2.1M  
 Transmission Line Theory KING 1965PDF   12M  
 Transmission Line Transformer Handbook SEVICK Amidon 48ppPDF   31M  
 Vacuum-Tube Oscillators EDSON 1953PDF   20M