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 AN URQ-10 frequency standard schematicPDF   540K  
 BJT noise equationsTXT   4.0K  
 BVA oscillator paper Besson Emmons 1979PDF   460K  
 Battery noise measurement NIST IEEEPDF   352K  
 Calculating oscillator PN RohdePDF   524K  
 Conjugate Regenerative Dividers paper NIST 2003PDF   936K  
 Conjugate regenerative division paper NIST 2002PDF   444K  
 Costas paper Synchronous Communications 1956PDF   828K  
 Counter technology Johansson PendulumPDF   380K  
 Crystal Oscillator Theory EuroquartzPDF   256K  
 Crystal oscillator design Neubig 1979PDF   1.5M  
 Crystals AT vs SC for OCXOPDF   236K  
 DDS array reduces PN and spurs Thesis Comberiate 2010PDF   2.8M  
 DDS ultra low PN paper Harris et al 2006PDF   480K  
 Design of Crystal Oscillators Sansen 2005PDF   1.1M  
 Development of Ultra Precise Quartz Oscillators IEEEPDF   588K  
 Digital DMTD paper NIST 2009PDF   552K  
 Digital PM AM measurement system NIST 2012PDF   1016K  
 Disciplined Oscillator paper Lombarrdi NIST 2010PDF   3.8M  
 Extremely low noise 96MHz oscillator Neubig 1981PDF   1.9M  
 Fractional N DSS with 1 bit output paper 2006PDF   4.4M  
 High Stability Bridge Balancing Oscillator Sulzer IRE 1955PDF   2.2M  
 Holzworth HX2410 low jitter converter datasheetPDF   488K  
 Kalman filter Maybeck 1979 ch1PDF   864K  
 Kalman filter brief introduction Welch Bishop 2006PDF   176K  
 Kalman filter introduction Welch Bishop SIGGRAPH 2001PDF   764K  
 Kalman filters slides Welch Bishop SIGGRAPH 2001PDF   828K  
 Phase Noise of Crystal Oscillators thesis Bentley 2007PDF   5.8M  
 Picosecond TI detector simulationPPT   2.5M  
 Practical Costas loop design RFD 2002PDF   180K  
 Significant figures in measurements and computationsPDF   100K  
 Standard Cells NBS Monograph 84PDF   17M  
 Sulzer 2,5B 2,5C frequency standard schematicPDF   300K  
 TI BI200 counter board datasheetPDF   484K  
 TI BI220 counter board datasheetPDF   300K