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 100753ABuiltInTestPDF   16K  
 Jupiter 10 TU30-D140 5V GPS Receiver v2.30 Software Release Preliminary - Mar 2000PDF   500K  
 Jupiter 10 vs Jupiter 8 letterPDF   36K  
 Jupiter 11 Product BriefPDF   76K  
 Jupiter 11 TU30-D400 Series Data Sheet 101595A - 2001PDF   1.4M  
 Jupiter 11 TU30-D400 Series Navman 12-channel - 2002PDF   240K  
 Jupiter 11 vs Jupiter 10PDF   20K  
 Jupiter 1997 May TU30-D140-141-151 Rockwell 12-channelPDF   1.4M  
 Jupiter 1998 Jan TU30-D140-221-231 Rockwell 12-channelPDF   1.3M  
 Jupiter 2000 Jul TU30-D140-371-381-391 Conexant 12-channelPDF   436K  
 Navman - Jupiter 11 DatasheetPDF   240K  
 Navman Sirf Conexant Press ReleasePDF   144K  
 SiRF Binary Protocol Reference Manual v2.2 June 2007PDF   1.7M  
 SiRF Binary Protocol Reference Manual v2.4 Nov 2008PDF   1.8M  
 SiRF NMEA Reference Manual SiRF v2.1 Dec 2007PDF   640K  
 Using WinLabMonPDF   1.2M  
 Zodiac Chipset Message Protocol - Conexant - Sep 1999PDF   32K  
 Zodiac GPS Receiver Built-In Test Results - Conexant - Feb 2000PDF   16K  
 Zodiac GPS Receiver Family Designer Guide - Conexant - Feb 1999PDF   3.7M  
 Zodiac GPS Receiver Family Designer Guide 1996PDF   1.6M  
 Zodiac GPS Receiver Family Designer Guide 1999PDF   3.7M  
 Zodiac Serial Data Interface Spec - Rockwell - Sep 1996PDF   696K  
 Zodiac Software - Conexant - v2.30 - Mar 1999PDF   60K  
 Zodiac Software - Conexant - v3.00 - Feb 2001PDF   148K  
 Zodiac Software Data Interface Spec - SiRF (Rev 15) 12-21-01PDF   836K  
 Zodiac Software v3.00PDF   148K