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 60Hz AC line zero cross detector ZCD injection locked LT1011GIF   24K  
 ADEV plots of various oscillators TVBGIF   20K  
 A History of the Rubidium Frequency Standard - John RileyPDF   4.0M  
 AppNote2 Why Rb Outperform OCXO - Martyn SmithPDF   128K  
 Balanced Bridge Oscillator HP Karlquist 1999PDF   476K  
 Basics of GPS discipline PTF AN APP-29PDF   876K  
 Bridge stabilized XO HP KarlquistPDF   148K  
 Buffer isolation distribution amp collection rev 130215PDF   15M  
 C-MAC double oven OCXO datasheetTIF   2.1M  
 C-MAC double oven OCXO hookupTIF   1.2M  
 C-MAC oscillator hookupTIF   524K  
 Caddock Type TF ultra preciaion resistor datasheetPDF   236K  
 Caddock Type TN precision resistor datasheetPDF   100K  
 Caddock Type USF ultra stable resistor datasheetPDF   368K  
 Calculation and Measurement of PLL Lock Time MwJ 2002PDF   684K  
 Cesium-Beam Tube Bench Tests - John MilesPDF   252K  
 Characterization of frequency and phase noise CCIR 1986PDF   576K  
 Choke input and resonant choke power supply filtersPDF   516K  
 Choke input power supply filter design Radiotron 1953PDF   5.0M  
 Choke input power supply filters Electronics 1943PDF   3.8M  
 Choke input vs capacitor input power supply filters WW 1957PDF   484K  
 Class E RF Power Amplifiers Sokal QEX 2001PDF   176K  
 Class E amplifier analytical design IEEE 2007PDF   352K  
 Class E amplifier design VK1SVPDF   1.2M  
 Class E amplifiers Ch5PDF   1.8M  
 Class E paper Sokal IEEEPDF   292K  
 Class E power amplifier design MeliaPDF   240K  
 Coilcraft wideband RF transformer catalogPDF   216K  
 Computer buses pin designationsPDF   948K  
 Crystal Oscillator Circuits KRIEGER MATTHYS 1992PDF   4.5M  
 Crystal Oscillator Design and Temperature Compensation FRERKING 1978PDF   3.8M  
 Crystal aging active vs passive Neubig 1996PDF   480K  
 Crystal aging prediction Neubig 1997PDF   64K  
 Crystal oscillator design Rohde 2009PDF   4.6M  
 Current mirrors performance comparedPDF   148K  
 DIY GPSDO article BarriosPDF   532K  
 DIY GPSDO article LudensPDF   336K  
 DIY GPS antenna QST 2002PDF   532K  
 DIY GPS patch antenna articlePDF   188K  
 DIY quad helix article GPS antenna LNAPDF   268K  
 DMTD improved offset generator article JPLPDF   208K  
 DMTD optimization article IREEPDF   928K  
 Design of Low Jitter Hard Limiters COLLINS IEEE 1996PDF   772K  
 Designer's Guide to High-Purity Oscillators HEGAZI etal 2005PDF   7.2M  
 Designing Low PN Oscillators ROHDE 1994 QEXPDF   1.2M  
 Development of Ultra Precise Quartz Oscillators SULZER etal IEEE 1996PDF   588K  
 Digital DMTD paper CERNPDF   464K  
 Discrete Simulation of Power Law Noise Kasdin Walter IEEE 1992PDF   880K  
 Ferrite balun and toroid core detailed informationPDF   280K  
 Ferrite balun core dataPDF   716K  
 Ferrite bead data AlltronicsPDF   1.8M  
 Ferroxcube soft ferrite handbookPDF   6.7M  
 Frequency Measurement Sample Variance With High Resolution Counters RUBIOLA 2005PDF   108K  
 Frequency doubler quadrature DBMPDF   1.8M  
 GPS Clocks In Space - Dass Freed Petzinger Rajan Lynch and VaccaroPDF   724K  
 Generalization of the Leeson Effect RUBIOLA 2010PDF   2.1M  
 Harmonic distortion and phase errors in frequency distribution and synthesis NIST 1995PDF   836K  
 High resolution phase detection with AD835 mixers CERNPDF   240K  
 Linear Technology AN124 reference noise WilliamsPDF   480K  
 Long Term Aging of Quartz Crystals VaishPDF   584K  
 Low Noise Oscillator Design and Performance DRISCOLL 2003 IEEEPDF   896K  
 Low Phase Noise PLL BOLUCEK thesis 2009PDF   5.7M  
 Low noise AF measurement preamplifier COLIN 2007PDF   904K  
 Low noise AF measurement preamplifier with SSM2019GIF   12K  
 Low noise AF measurement preamplifier with SSM2019 2011PNG   28K  
 Low noise AF preamplifier for PN measurements WENZELPDF   28K  
 Low noise buffer amplifiers and phase comparators EICHINGER etal PTTI 1981PDF   508K  
 Low noise oscillator design HP seminar notesPDF   6.0M  
 Measurement of Oscillator Stability With Frequency Counters DAWKINS etal 2006PDF   2.7M  
 Modified Allan Variance ALLAN BARNES NIST TN-254 1981PDF   324K  
 Offset generator BANGERTPDF   1.8M  
 Omega Frequency Counter based on Linear Regression RUBIOLA etal 2015PDF   856K  
 Optimized Wenzel-type squarer 1-10MHz schematic STEINMETZPDF   88K  
 Optimizing stability in GPSDO design PTFPDF   396K  
 PCI bus TIC 200pS resolution Kalisz PTTI 35thPDF   416K  
 PPS clock measuring systems Riley 2010PDF   1.2M  
 Parabolic Variance PVAR based on least squares fit VERNOTTE etal 2015PDF   1.5M  
 Phase Noise and Frequency Stability in Oscillators RUBIOLA 2009PDF   14M  
 Phase detector with low flicker noise NIST 2011PDF   100K  
 Picosecond resolution TDC Xu IEEE 2014PDF   1.4M  
 Picosecond time interval measurements KaliszPDF   1008K  
 Rubidium cell rejuvinationPDF   64K  
 Sampling phase detector tutorial SkyworksPDF   132K  
 Simple AC mains zero cross detectorPDF   608K  
 Simple distribution ampBMP   388K  
 Slew rate nomograph extendedPDF   736K  
 Super 5065A Project - Corby DawsonPDF   228K  
 Temperature Compensation of Crystal Oscillators HANEY thesis 2001PDF   276K  
 Theory of Low Noise Oscillators IEEE 2000PDF   13M  
 Three cornered hat paper USNO PTTI33PDF   2.0M  
 Three cornered hat technique simplified GUNN 2014PDF   580K  
 Time Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing Boashash 2003PDF   17M  
 Time and Frequency House Standard-v-2.1 - timeok.itPDF   3.5M  
 Time interval measurement dissertation Mantyniemi 2004PDF   1.9M  
 Time interval measurement literature review Ch 1PDF   2.9M  
 Time interval measurement methods AlvarezPDF   440K  
 Time interval measurements with FPGA 2009PDF   932K  
 Total Variance paper Howe NIST 1999PDF   556K  
 Tutorial Distribution Amplifier Architectures STEINMETZ rev1PDF   468K  
 US Navy disciplined oscillator specsPDF   520K  
 Vernier TDC with soft injection locking YAO etalPDF   396K  
 Zero cross detector JPL block diagramPDF   44K  
 Zero cross detector low jitter JPL 1990PDF   788K  
 Zero cross detector with LT1715PDF   60K  
 Zero cross detector with LT1719PDF   64K  
 Zero gradient crystal oven KarlquistPDF   100K